Category Archives: Podcast

Carlin Isles is a former NFL athletes and plays for Team USA rugby. Not only is he the FASTEST rugby player there is, but he is working on qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics in Track & Field, making him a 2 sport athlete.

Matt is an ex-pro baseball player and current social producer at Uninterrupted. He’s made the leap from pro sports to the entertainment world, with on of his first jobs working on the set for Captain Marvel!

Justin Su’a is a Mental Performance and Leadership Coach for elite performers. Justin trains professional athletes, coaches, and executives how to optimize performance through mental skills and performance enhancement techniques.

Looking for a good book to read during quarantine? This article highlights 6 of my fave books that are especially relevant during this time.

Skills like patience, mindset, and a strong why are some of the traits athletes can transfer to life after sports in business and entrepreneurship.

A personal brand is how others view you. Building a personal brand that lasts and grows long-term requires honesty, transparency, and complete authenticity.

Are you struggling to find your why, what lights you up, what you should pursue in business or life as your personal MISSION? Introducing IKIGAI!

One study undertaken by Cornell that studied high level execs showed that self-awareness was the strongest predictor of success. Watch the video below to learn more about the POWER of self-awareness, why it’s hard to build, how cognitive bias comes into play, and how you can build it in yourself.

The most successful people on Earth all share some pretty common habits. These habits cost you NOTHING to implement (they’re free to do), and make a big difference in your life, #productivity, and long-term #success. In fact, most CEO’s, millionaires, and pro-athletes swear by these #habits. Watch to see the top 5 and then let […]