'Mastering The Mind' Podcast - Natalie Allport

‘Mastering The Mind’ Podcast

Intro from the podcast:

Today we welcome Natalie Allport to the podcast. Natalie is an athlete, entrepreneur and former team Canada snowboarder! In this episode we talk about Natalie’s background and what got her into competing in snowboarding, the dangers of the sport and the reasons why she pre-maturely retired. Having suffered with various injuries, Natalie found it difficult to overcome this re-injury fear when returning and describes than once you let that fear in, in an extreme sport like snowboarding, it is time to retire as you are likely not to push yourself as much anymore. We talked about the difficulties during this retirement-transition process but her passion for CrossFit allowed her to remain the athlete she was. Since, she has competed in various competitions around the world and is currently working towards developing her marketing agency, 93 Agency. Thank you so much Natalie for sharing your story.

If you’re interested in checking it out, here’s the episode: